Everything is Connected

Wellness & Beauty has been an important theme for most of my life. Having endured an extended period of being unwell, the important lessons I learned became the foundation for what I chose as my path in life. The fields of healthcare and skincare, despite many technological advancements over the past century, have adopted a practice of separating the parts from the whole. Is it a coincidence that society experienced a corresponding rise in the number of people described as unwell, stressed, and lacking connection? And it’s not just people that are unwell. Our activities as humans have degraded the function, diversity, and beauty of our natural world. We need a different path forward.

This is why I started a beauty company. At Stearex International, we want to shift the narrative around beauty. We want to create beauty you can see, and feel. We want people to appreciate the interconnections of the body, and of life. We want to shift the entire wellness and skincare industry, and although our products encompass leading-edge science, our purpose remains simple. Create a Beautiful Life